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World Tapping Circle – Home


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Der Artikel beschreibt die Kraft von EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques) in Kombination mit Sonya Sophia & The World Tapping Circle. Es wird betont, dass negative Emotionen zu Störungen und Krankheiten beitragen können. Die Wirksamkeit von EFT Tapping wurde in über 25 Jahren Forschung in mehr als 10 Ländern und von über 60 Wissenschaftlern untersucht. Die Ergebnisse dieser Forschung wurden in mehr als 100 Artikeln in über 20 medizinischen und psychologischen Fachzeitschriften veröffentlicht.

Die klinischen Studien haben gezeigt, dass EFT Tapping schnell den emotionalen Einfluss von Erinnerungen und Ereignissen reduzieren kann, die emotionale Schmerzen auslösen. Es wird erklärt, dass EFT Tapping Elemente der kognitiven Therapie, Expositionstherapie und Akupressur aus der chinesischen Medizin verwendet, um Schmerzen schnell, effizient und oft dauerhaft zu behandeln.

Der Artikel hebt Sonya Sophia als Expertin auf dem Gebiet der EFT Hopping hervor und betont, dass sie über 30 Jahre Erfahrung in den Heilkünsten verfügt. Sie gründete die Sophia School of Living Arts und ist Gastgeberin des World Tapping Circle, einer wöchentlichen EFT-Live-Übertragung und einer umfangreichen Videothek. Darüber hinaus bietet sie EFT-Praktiker-Schulungen und themenspezifische EFT-Workshops online an.

Es werden auch Zitate von Personen präsentiert, die von den positiven Ergebnissen des EFT Tapping berichten. Der Artikel erläutert die Vorteile von EFT Tapping, wie die Freigabe von neuropeptiden im Gehirn, die Stärkung der Immunität, die Erhöhung der Stimmung und die rasche Erholung des Körpers.

Zusammenfassend wird EFT Tapping als eine wirksame Selbstheilungs- und Entspannungstechnik beschrieben, die chinesische Medizin, westliche Psychologie, neurolinguistisches Programmieren, Atemarbeit und Affirmationen kombiniert. Der Artikel verweist auf die umfangreiche evidenzbasierte Forschung von renommierten Institutionen, die die Vorteile von EFT Tapping bei der Behandlung einer Vielzahl von Problemen, einschließlich Angstzuständen, Depressionen, Sucht, Traumata, PTSD, Panik, Phobien und Beziehungsproblemen, bestätigen. Es wird auch darauf hingewiesen, dass Ergebnisse nicht garantiert werden können, aber die Erfolgsraten von EFT ermutigend sind.

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World Tapping Circle – Home wird mit einer 60-tägigen Geld-zurück-Garantie ohne Fragen gestellt. Wenn Sie innerhalb der ersten 60 Tage nach Erhalt nicht zufrieden mit Wake Up Lean™ sind, können Sie eine Rückerstattung anfordern, indem Sie eine E-Mail an die im Produkt angegebene Adresse senden, und wir erstatten Ihnen umgehend den gesamten Kaufpreis, ohne Fragen zu stellen.



Experience the power of EFT Tapping withSonya Sophia & The World Tapping Circle

Toxic Emotions Contribute to Disorders & Diseases

For over 25 years, EFT Tapping has been researched in 10+ countries, by 60+ investigators and in 20+ universities, including Harvard Medical School. Results have been published in 100+ papers within 20+ peer-reviewed medical and psychology journals.

Clinical trials have shown that EFT Tapping can quickly reduce the emotional impact of memories and events that trigger emotional pain. Research shows that when emotional distress is reduced, people’s bodies and minds often recover spontaneously.Tapping uses elements of Cognitive Therapy, Exposure Therapy and Acupressure from Chinese Medicine to address pain quickly, efficiently and often permanently. 

Founder of Whole Health Medicine Institute & author of Mind over Medicine

Founder of The World Tapping Circle

Sonya Sophia is an expert in the field of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also called ‚Tapping‘ has over 30 years of experience in the healing arts. 

 She’s works with those below the poverty line to some of the world’s most influential families. 

Sonya Sophia  is the founder and CEO of The Sophia School of Living Arts, and the host of The World Tapping Circle — a weekly live EFT broadcast and extensive video library. 

She offers  EFT Practitioner Trainings and hosts topic-specific EFT workshops online.

A teacher at Burning Man since 2008, thousands flock annually to Sonya Sophia’s EFT workshops. She’s led over 35,000 people in her festival appearances and workshops in the US, England, France, Italy, Holland, Germany, Canada, Estonia, India and Sweden.

Sonya Sophia is featured in 2 motion pictures: Femme – Women Healing the World (2011) starring Sharon Stone, Whoopi Goldberg, and Marianne Williamson, and The Goddess Project (2015).  

Sonya Sophia also co-hosts the popular iTunes podcast, “Positive Head,” which has over 250,000 listeners.  She’s been a luminary for India’s “Global Festival of Spiritual Sciences Conference,” London’s “Gathering of Minds,” L.A.’s “International Alchemy Conference,” the “Leaders Causing Leaders Conference” and the “Conscious Life Expo.” 

„I’ve been an active seeker of transformation and growth for over a decade—since leaving active duty as a navy officer and realizing my need to heal many wounds. EFT immediately became a cornerstone of my personal transformational practice. My clients have noticed the energy shift in myself and the new level of centeredness I’ve cultivated.“Fabian, California

“The weekly Circle grants me the ability to address issues, and change them rapidly. I’m now capable of a deep connection with myself that I could only have dreamed of!”Micha, California

„EFT is like a permission engine, to borrow a term from a friend. It is hands down to most effective, practical, accessible practice I have encountered in 20 years of seeking the roots of truth, love, and fear.”Andy, California

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, AKA Tapping.EFT clears issues at their core & gives you authentic POWER.

Tapping turns on neuropeptides in your brain which boost mood, increase immunity and enhance mental cognition. EFT rewires your brain and helps your body recover in record time from most anything, giving you more inner strength and resiliency every time you do it.

Tapping makes life flow by ending cycles of drama, trauma and abuse. It allows you to honor your feelings, defrost numbness, soothe anxiety and prevent knee-jerk reactions. It gives you the ability to process your feelings quickly, safely and completely — all with compassion.

EFT is a potent self-healing/relaxation technique that combines Chinese medicine, Western psychology, neurolinguistic programming, breath work and affirmations.

There are decades of empirical, evidence-based research from institutions including Harvard Medical School and the California Medical Research Institute that verify the benefits of EFT and its ability to address a wide range of issues including anxiety, depression, addiction, acute developmental trauma, PTSD, panic, phobias, sexual abuse, and the emotional aspects of physical injuries, chronic pain and burnout.

Tapping helps clear the causes of financial difficulties, improves self-esteem, increases motivation and heals relationships. EFT works quickly and efficiently to help you grow, evolve and move yourself and your life forward.

As with any healing modality, results are never guaranteed. Yet the success rates of EFT are beyond encouraging, often working where nothing else has.

Tapping offers the chance to feel light, clear, calm, optimistic, emotionally resilient and self-empowered with the ability to self-regulate at any time.

EFT Explained by Founder — Gary Craig

The video at the top of the page will become the LIVE Circle broadcast when Circle begins.You’ll also see the Core Causes Questions linked above the live stream. It’s a list of powerful questions to help you get to the root of issues so you can Tap at a much deeper level immediately. You’ll have about 5 minutes to complete these questions in the Google Form or on a separate piece of paper (not in the chat) — all answers are anonymous.The chat window will also appear just below the live stream once Circle starts. It’s only visible during the LIVE Circle broadcast, and it’s not added to the video library when the Circle is uploaded to the membership area.The host of Circle will check in with you at the beginning and give you the day’s theme. Feel free to be a part of the conversation on any level. During the Tapping portion of Circle, people are Tapping (rather than chatting) so nobody gets distracted. We generally Tap for about 45 minutes with a pause to check in.To conclude the Tapping session, we have a check in to see how you’re feeling now.

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