Proven Pool Hall Business Plan

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Proven Pool Hall Business Plan


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Der Artikel beschreibt verschiedene Erfahrungsberichte von Personen, die ein Geschäftsplan-Paket für den Betrieb eines Billardlokals erworben haben. Die Kunden loben die Qualität des Pakets und betonen, wie sehr es ihnen bei der Planung ihres eigenen Billardlokals geholfen hat. Darüber hinaus bietet der Artikel praktische Ratschläge und Einblicke in die verschiedenen Aspekte des Betriebs eines Billardlokals, einschließlich des Barbetriebs, der Kundenbindung und Standortbewertung. Der Autor teilt auch seine eigenen Fehler und Erfahrungen, um anderen dabei zu helfen, sie zu vermeiden. Zum Schluss ermutigt der Artikel die Leser, ihre Träume zu verfolgen und sich bei Fragen oder Unterstützung an den Autor zu wenden. Der Artikel bietet auch weitere Ressourcen, einschließlich eines E-Books, einer Artikelbibliothek und 1-zu-1-Beratungssitzungen.

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“WOW…there is a lot to think about! Thanks for putting together an amazing package. Definitely worth the investment.” – Tony Mehta, FL

„So far the info [in the Operations Book] is great for brain storming and sorting out a place to start.“  – Brad Kempster, CA

„I’ve already learned alot from your business plan.“  – Dan Aronson, MO

„This is great! Thank you so much!“  – Andre Caravello, IN

„Thank you for putting together such a fabulous business plan and making it available for purchase. It has helped my partner and I immensely…and saved me ALOT of time!“   – Kylie Searle, Australia

„I purchased your business plan, in reading it over so far, we seem to have a very similar vision of what we want in our pool halls and the atmosphere we want to obtain. I think it’s great what you’ve done and I thank you for making this information available to me. I’ve had this vision for several years and for whatever reason I’ve never pulled the trigger…Not this time!“  – Jody Frye, TX

CLICK HERE for more details.

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     Sounds easy right? Here’s the thing, what ties these steps together is a well written business plan. In step one you get your vision on paper. How big is the room you want? How many tables? Is the decor upscale or more working class? What food and beverages will you sell? Do you want a full bar and kitchen?

    Putting your vision on paper guides your research into the startup and operating costs (step 2). For instance, an upscale room catering to social players may require a location in a hip part of town with higher rents, versus a family oriented room in a more commecial part of town. A room selling snack and sodas needs less capital to start than one requiring a full kitchen and bar. Both will have very different sales and expense projects as well.

     Finally, you need to execute! You have to put in the work. Write the plan, talk to bankers, commercial real-estate brokers and landlords, take bartending or business courses if you don’t have the skills, do your research. And along the way continue to update and tweak you business plan.  If you take consistent action I guarantee you will realize your goal of owning a pool hall business.

     Despite all my prep work, I still made mistakes that cost me a lot of money. In this ebook I share my experiences in the hope you’ll be empowered to continue with your dream and avoid costly pitfalls. FREE when you buy the three book bundle.

     I have written a series of articles on different aspects of starting and operating a pool hall. Read them for insight into what you can expect as a pool hall owner. Click here to access the Articles library.

     The first purpose of this manual is to help you avoid the kinds of mistakes that cost new owners thousands of dollars. The second is to give you some knowledge about the billiard business which will help you get the best return as quickly as possible. Third, the manual will help you make profits over the long haul by establishing a „customer building“ approach to your business. Finally, it will help existing rooms to become more competitive and more profitable.   Click here for a preview.                                                

     The bar is going to make or break your business. After you read this book you will have an understanding of the bar business that would take years to learn on your own. It gives you the know how and processes to interview, hire, train and retain the right bartenders and servers. It includes an inventory control program for liquor, bottled and draft beer, and wine „by the glass“. You’ll learn how to deter bartender theft, price drinks, increase sales, and the laws related to the bar business.   Click here for a preview.   

     You are going to have a lot of questions along the way. I certainly did. The internet, your professional support team, friends and family (especially small business owners) are all great resources to leverage. But there may be times when you need to speak with someone that has done what you are trying to do. Maybe its discussing realistic sales and expense projections for your business plan, or you have questions about location selection, or you simply have hit a wall and don’t know what to do next. If you feel you need help, I make myself available for 1-on-1 consultations. To learn more about booking a 1-on-1 Consulting Session click here. 

Your dream of owning a pool hall will become your reality if you properly prepare and execute your plan.

My hope is that you find the resources on this site helpful. Remember, you don’t have to go it alone. Feel free to drop me a note at I answer every email and love hearing about your success.

Wishing you all the best with your new business!


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