Aisle-by-Aisle Grocery List Software, Grocery Coupon Organizer

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Aisle-by-Aisle Grocery List Software, Grocery Coupon Organizer


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This article describes a web-based program that provides aisle-by-aisle grocery lists to help shoppers save time and money. The program can be accessed from any computer and used to create lists for multiple stores, track sales, and organize coupons. It also provides the option to share lists with others, including grocery delivery businesses and people who are home-bound. The article also offers information about affiliate opportunities and includes testimonials from users who have found the program helpful in minimizing impulse spending and simplifying their grocery shopping experience. Overall, the article provides a detailed overview of the features and benefits of the program, as well as information about how to use it and become an affiliate.

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Alle Bestellungen sind durch SSL-Verschlüsselung geschützt – der höchste Branchenstandard für Online-Sicherheit von vertrauenswürdigen Anbietern.

Aisle-by-Aisle Grocery List Software, Grocery Coupon Organizer wird mit einer 60-tägigen Geld-zurück-Garantie ohne Fragen gestellt. Wenn Sie innerhalb der ersten 60 Tage nach Erhalt nicht zufrieden mit Wake Up Lean™ sind, können Sie eine Rückerstattung anfordern, indem Sie eine E-Mail an die im Produkt angegebene Adresse senden, und wir erstatten Ihnen umgehend den gesamten Kaufpreis, ohne Fragen zu stellen.


✔ Aisle-by-aisle grocery list saves steps at the store.

✔ Use it online from any computer anywhere. Nothing to download.

✔ Track sales to save money.

✔ Organize coupons to save even more money.

Join my Clickbank affiliate program to sell this program on your website.

If I could hand you an aisle-by-aisle grocery list …

► Would you zip through the store in half the time?

► Would you get a handle on impulse spending?

► Would you be motivated to track sales and coupons?

► Would you find it easier to shop for your family or for clients?

If you had an aisle-by-aisle grocery list wouldn’t you spend less money on impulse items?

Starting a grocery shopping and delivery business? If your clients emailed you an aisle-by-aisle grocery list …

► Would you be able to shop for more clients in less time?

► Would your clients like the convenience of making their grocery list online?

► Even if not a businesss, would this be a more convenient way of shopping for family members who are home-bound?

If your aisle-by-aisle grocery list had sales and coupon reminders printed right on it …

► Would you remember to use your coupons?

► Would you try to combine sales and coupons for double savings?

► Would you have a tool to control your budget?

Let’s say you have a stack of coupons that you have cut out from the newspaper or have downloaded with your computer.
Where are those coupons? How are they organized? How will you match them to items on your list?
How will you know which ones to use at checkout?

This system matches coupons to items. It’s your automatic reminder at checkout,
because right there on your list it tells you what coupons to use.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I shop at two stores, do I have to make two lists?

No. Once your list is ready, just print it for one store, and then print it again for another store.
Now you have an aisle-by-aisle list for each store, different layouts, but the same items on the list.

How does it work on my iPhone or Blackberry?

First make your grocery list on any computer. Or your spouse can make the list.
Then point your iPhone or Blackberry to a special link we will provide, and you can view the list in the palm of your hand.
You can choose among many lists, any list that has been previously created.
You can choose among many stores. Just select the store that you happen to be in, and the list will show aisle-by-aisle for that store, according to how you have personally customized the aisles.

Is it complicated to use?

No and Yes. Start out simple. Use only the features you want. It grows with you.

How is the program smart enough to make an aisle-by-aisle list?

The program follows a two-step process. First it asks, „In what category is the item (produce, meat, bread, etc.)?“
Second it asks, „In what aisle is the category?“ As you use the program, you can assign categories and aisles. So you have full control over your aisle-by-aisle list.
The program uses starter templates to make it easy, and you can refine it as you go.

Can someone else besides me set up the store aisles?

Yes. Once online you can invite another shopper to share a store with you. Then when one of you changes the store aisles online, the other shopper can see those changes.

How will this help me to use coupons?

Coupon reminders print directly on your grocery list.

How will this help me shop for recipes?

Not only can you make a grocery list, but you can also make lists of lists. In other words, you can have weekly lists, monthly lists, and a stack of recipe lists.
And the system remembers them all. They are right at your fingertips.

How will this help me to shop for others, either as a favor or as a grocery delivery service?

Friends, family, or clients can use the system to email you their aisle-by-aisle grocery list.

If I am home bound, how will this help me?

You can make your list online. Add your own custom comments to each item as you wish. For example, say what size or what brand to get. Then email your list to that person who will shop for you.

Can I get paid for programming the store aisle layout?

Yes. How much? Set your own goals. Once you put your own store aisles into the system so that you can print your own list aisle-by-aisle,
then you can share that information with other shoppers by email, by personal website, or by local advertising.
You can ask other shoppers to pay you directly for that information. The system provides you a special link to share with them.
So it’s as easy as sharing a link.

Can I get paid for entering coupon information?

Yes. How much? Set your own goals. Once you enter coupon information into the system,
then you can share that information with other shoppers by email, by personal website, or by local advertising.
You can ask other shoppers to pay you directly for that information. The system provides you a special link to share with them.
So it’s as easy as sharing a link.

Price options range from a low-cost trial period to a one-time purchase.
So cost is no obstacle. The real question is, do you want to zip through the store or wander around the store?

If I sign up for a low-cost trial, does it automatically renew?

No. When the trial ends, it’s up to you to renew for another trial period or to make a one-time purchase.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes. You have a 60-day money-back satisfaction guarantee.

Yes. We do not share your email with anyone. Your email address serves two purposes only: 1) to logon to the system, and 2) to logon to PayPal. Your email keeps the two in sync so that you get proper credit for your payment.

Have you seen a grocery list on your iPhone or Blackberry? Sure you have, but this one is aisle-by-aisle.

► Nothing to download or install, because this is a web-based application.

► How does it work? On your computer do all the fancy stuff (make multiple lists, set up different stores, etc.). Then while shopping with your iPhone or Blackberry do the last simple steps:

1) Choose a list, 2) Choose a store, and 3) View the list aisle-by-aisle for that store.

So now you have the best of both worlds, a full-featured computer program plus convenient viewing of the results.
By full-featured, I mean your list can show comments, coupon information, sales, and prices.
This makes it possible for your spouse to make a list on another computer, and enter a comment saying „Get the large size of brand X on the bottom shelf at the far end of the aisle“ and then how easy it is for you to simply view the comment, along with the rest of the list, right there in the palm of your hand.

Wouldn’t you like to take your slice of the pie?

► Affiliate profits are as easy as pie.

► How does it work? Simply advertise your customized promo code. You will receive an email with this information.

► How can you advertise? 1) On your website, 2) On Facebook, or 3) Through your mailing list.

► What prompts shoppers to respond? They get a discount with your custom promo code. So you are doing them a favor.

► How do you sign up? Two ways to sign up are: 1) Order the program if you want to use it yourself, or 2) To get started for free, enter SaveSteps in the promo code at the upper left of this screen. After you sign up you will receive an email with your personalized promo code that will earn you money at the same time that it earns other shoppers a discount.

Affiliate Programs We’re Listed At
Affiliate Marketing Make Money Online

► See Screen Prints

It might be something that could save me time that I could be spending with my 4 children!

I spend much less time in back-tracking and just browsing (hoping I’ll
see something) and also buy less from impulse buying since I can
generally go right to the product.

What a wonderful tool this is to keep this mother of four happy even
doing the grocery shopping … which I might add used to be a complete
pain and huge expense when I bought lots of things we really didn’t
need while I was looking for the things we did!  I have finally found a
way to save time and money… Thanks for this great program!!

I am starting a price-sharing co-op and think this software might help my future customers!

I need a tool to for my elderly parents to use for grocery shopping.

I wanted to try your software so I can actually USE my coupons instead of being upset with myself for forgetting to use them.

The more I use your program the more I like it and the more organized I get.

I just started couponing and keeping recipes, and when I go to the
grocery store, it is a hassle to go down the aisle (in an unfamiliar
store nonetheless) and search for the products and then remember that I
have a coupon for it.

I recently went shopping with my wife to Walmart using a hand written
shopping list and took hours…. She wants me to go again–please help!!!!!

I back track too often in the store with my current list I use.

The idea is incredibly novel and would help to coupon/plan meals/avoid
impulse shopping….and as a very broke, very frustrated single mom…hallelujah!

Don’t need a paper list.

Spouse can make grocery list on any computer anywhere, and you can view it immediately.

This is what iPhones and Blackerries were made for.

Whether you make vacation money or just some extra grocery money depends on how many people you reach with your affiliate promo code.
So just use your normal channels that you already have, whether that be a website, Facebook, or mailing list.

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Klicken Sie hier, um Aisle-by-Aisle Grocery List Software, Grocery Coupon Organizer zu einem reduzierten Preis zu erhalten, solange es verfügbar ist…

Alle Bestellungen sind durch SSL-Verschlüsselung geschützt – der höchste Branchenstandard für Online-Sicherheit von vertrauenswürdigen Anbietern.

Aisle-by-Aisle Grocery List Software, Grocery Coupon Organizer wird mit einer 60-tägigen Geld-zurück-Garantie ohne Fragen gestellt. Wenn Sie innerhalb der ersten 60 Tage nach Erhalt nicht zufrieden mit Wake Up Lean™ sind, können Sie eine Rückerstattung anfordern, indem Sie eine E-Mail an die im Produkt angegebene Adresse senden, und wir erstatten Ihnen umgehend den gesamten Kaufpreis, ohne Fragen zu stellen.


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